Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Hurry Up and Slow Down


We´re still racing...wandering...around Spain. The verb is unclear. Sometimes it feels like we´re hustling too fast to soak in everything we come across. We´ve alloted something like eight weeks to the Spanish chapter of our oddessy. Depending on one´s style of travel, one big city could easily take eight weeks. I lean more in the direction of ¨less (ground covered) is more (memorable experience reaped)¨. Tami and I strike a pretty good balance when it comes to time planning. She laid out an itinerary before we left San Francisco and does a good job of holding us to it. I have to admit, as much as I like getting to know a place more thoroughly, I am still the dumbfounded, excitable kid when we roll into a new city and it turns out to be more beautiful and fascinating than any desription we´ve read. I get a little manic looking at real estate prices, theorizing about business ideas, thinking about how we could get people to visit us...and on, and on. Tami´s pretty patient dealing with me when I get wound up. As our tour planner, she´s probably a touch more disiplined in remembering the dozen or so countries that lay ahead.

I have to shake my head in wonder that this little European jaunt was icing on the big cake of an Asian adventure. A wise friend and India booster back in SF, upon hearing our overall itinerary, remarked, ¨Geeze, just make sure you make it to India, my friend!¨

Yep, we bit off a lot. It´s a big planet, though, and so far, no regrets on this end.

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